Dental Offices - ecotowel is a great addition to dental offices to assist with patients to clean up after treatments and especially as a nice item to include for the patient's take home care packet following surgical procedures.
Healthcare - ecotowel serves as a great, handy, and multi-purpose hygienic towlette for both patients and health care practitioners. Sanitizing gels are convenient, but do not remove any dirt or impurities, just only function to kill living organisms including both beneficial and harmful bacteria.
Hospital Meals - ecotowel also enhances the patient's experience when included on the meal tray as an upgraded alternative to chemical & alcohol soaked wet-wipes. These can also be warmed or chilled depending on their comfort needs at the time of service.
First Aid Kits - ecotowel is a perfect fit to add to your first aid kits. Be able to immediately cleanup cuts and wounds on the spot with soft gentle cotton and a mild antiseptic.
Survival Kits - ecotowel is also a perfect fit for your survival kits. In times after disasters, clean running water may not be available for days. Ecotowels can save precious drinking water resources to handle hand washing and numerous other general uses.